ShopeeFANS Big Data – Product Selection Ideas 1

1. Novice seller selection ideas

Novice sellers’ product selection ideas, starting from the dimension of “category-new products”

1. The market competition is small, and the sales ratio is high (in the category analysis, the product ratio is moderate, and the sales volume ratio is high)

2. Shelf time period (the store/product is relatively new, the competition is relatively less intense, and the weight accumulation is low)

3. Fewer comments (there is still a lot of room for improvement in comments, and the investment is relatively small)

3. Fewer comments (there is still a lot of room for improvement in comments, and the investment is relatively small)

Novice sellers’ ideas for product selection, first look at the “number of products” and “number of products with sales” in the industry

The larger the proportion of “number of products”, the higher the market demand, and the competition; the larger the “number of products with sales”, the better the sales of this category;

Category dynamic sales rate = number of products sold / number of products * 100%, the larger the value, the better

Find new products with parallel initial conditions and analyze them as benchmark products

Thinking about the new product selection, it is recommended to choose the hot-selling new product for analysis to ensure the consistency of the initial state. It is also the direction that the new product can be released. Here, you can observe the sales data of the past 30 days according to the launch time from new to long. Those who are single and have a relatively high number of days on the list are worthy of monitoring and analysis;

Hot-selling products are not suitable for novice sellers, because these products are but can be hung in the store as a traffic portal

2. Ideas for the selection of hot-selling models

2. Ideas for the selection of hot-selling models

Hot-selling and popular product selection ideas, to meet market trends to make selections

2. The number of days on the list>=10, there is still room for growth

3. High sales growth rate in the past 30 days (careful consideration of slowing or declining growth)

3. High sales growth rate in the past 30 days (careful consideration of slowing or declining growth)

Ideas for the selection of hot-selling products

Hot-selling products often reflect a consumption trend, and merchants with advantages in resources can learn from them. According to the category of resource preference, filter according to the store type, shipping place and other conditions, and filter according to the sales volume, the number of days on the list, and the sales trend.

3. The recent soaring product selection ideas

1. The sales growth rate in the past 30 days/7 days is obvious (market demand is present)

2. High sales in the past 30 days/7 days (high demand for hot sales in the market)

3. Filter the same product type/delivery region (for example, cross-border merchants choose cross-border, and product types choose the target type)

This method is more suitable for co-selling, creating potential explosive models and maintaining product weight. The idea is for reference only~

Recently soaring product selection ideas, grasp the trend products with detailed potential

Hot-selling models have big competition requirements in terms of supply and advertising investment. Those who do not want to join the big competitive market can choose to start with the dimension of soaring products. This covers potential products, which can effectively reduce the current competitiveness and accumulate weight. The screening dimension is mainly the sales growth rate in the past 7 days/30 days;

Select a few suitable products from the list of soaring products and conduct a refined analysis. The sales trend of these products in the past 30 days is desirable, stable or growing, and the decline is ignored first. View product sku analysis, drainage word analysis, and capture key output sku and core drainage words (expanded words) as output;

Fourth, the best-selling store selection ideas

Best-selling store selection ideas, dig out the single models of hot-selling stores


2. The newer the store opening time, the better, preferably in the past 3 months (accumulated weight over time)

3. The higher the store’s sales rate, the better (the sales rate is generally >=20%, the higher the higher the more hot-selling products)

This method is more suitable for co-selling, creating the same style in the best-selling store, referring to the words of the competing products, hot-selling sku, etc., referring to the operation strategy of the competing products, the ideas are for reference only~

Triggered from the dimension of hot-selling stores, look for stores with a short opening time, so that the reference will not be affected by the long opening time and high weight, and then screen the stores with a high sales rate;

Record the selected hot-selling stores. Next, you need to find what products can increase the sales of these stores. Find [Hot-selling products in stores] and select the sales volume of the past 30 days. List or monitor the hot-selling products. You can choose The product is used as a reference, and [new products in the store] are also recommended.

Five, soaring store selection ideas

Five, soaring store selection ideas

Soaring store selection ideas, digging out products in trending stores

2. Soaring hot-selling products in stores (hot-selling products are often the source of data growth)

3. New products on soaring stores (shops in the rising period, new products are worth referring to)

4. Store score ≥ 4.5 (the store score meets its own store conditions)

This method is more suitable for operation strategy reference. Soaring stores have created their own new operation, new products and hot-selling models are worth analyzing, and the ideas are for reference only.

This method is more suitable for operation strategy reference. Soaring stores have created their own new operation, new products and hot-selling models are worth analyzing, and the ideas are for reference only.

For the selected soaring stores, on the details page, we mainly focus on “hot-selling products in the store” and “new products in the store”, and the beginning of the store’s activity is closely related to the hot-selling products and the selection of new products in the store.

6. Ideas for the selection of hot-selling new stores

Hot-selling new store selection ideas, mining new store strategies with growing trends

1. The more products that have sales, the better (the new store can quickly place orders, and there will be a market to cater to)

2. The number of fans has begun to have a certain base (the rapid growth of the number of fans indicates that the store has a strategy in line with users)

This method is more suitable for novice operation reference. It is not difficult to issue orders for new stores, but it is more difficult to continuously issue orders, so it has reference value.

For new stores, the stores that need to be targeted are often new stores, and the conditions are leveled, and the hot-selling new stores under the same category are screened out and sorted by the number of fans. Those who do not have the number of fans but have sales can be considered. And those with excellent sales are worth analyzing.

For the excellent new stores screened out, you can look for products with high sales in the “Hot Selling Products in Stores”, but pay attention to the price issue. In addition, the “New Products in Stores” selection has begun to show sales improvement, and the price is moderate.

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